Unwind & Rejuvenate at Dolphinholme Wellness Day

Starting Saturday 28th September 2024, at 10 AM:

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Join us for a full-day off rest and rejuvenation in our Walled Garden which will include Chi Kung, a nurturing session of Self-Compassion Tapping using Emotional Freedom Techniques, personal healing with Intentional Journaling and enjoy the soothing sounds of a Sound Bath. You will also make a Yunomi - a Japanese tea cup out of clay and reconnect with yourself with a Meditation, all in a secluded walled garden with Liz, Tania & Angela!

We will also arrange a delicious vegetarian lunch.

Tickets are limited, book your space now so you aren't disappointed!

Who will be leading the sessions?

Liz Collinson


A ceramicist for over 25 years and has been teaching Ceramics, Pottery, for over 10 years in her purpose built studio in a magnificent walled garden, overlooking the Trough of Bowland. You can purchase Liz’s work at Daisy Clough nurseries, Scorton, the Fleece Inn at dolphinholme and in Arteria, Lancaster. Mugs, made by Liz, are used daily at The Herbarium Bar, also in Lancaster.

Instagram: @lizc_ceramics

Liz will be leading the Ceramics:

  • Learn how to make a Yunomi - a Japanese tea cup.
  • The tea cups will be fired after the event and will be sent to your home address.
  • All materials and tools will be provided and firings are included in the price.

Tania Louise


Tania Louise is an Integrative Psychotherapist, Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, Advanced EFT Practitioner, Intuitive Energy Therapist (Reiki Master/Teacher, Vortex Healing, Body Mirror Healing) and holds women's circles and workshops across the Ribble Valley.

Instagram: @tanialouisehealing

Tania will be leading the Tapping, Chakra Balancing Workshop, Cacao Ceremony & Meditation:

  • Self Compassion Tapping with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT): during this session, Tania will invite you to follow some journaling prompts on the theme of self compassion, and then guide the group through an interactive workshop on how to tap with transformational tool EFT to deepen your self compassion.
  • Tania will also be leading an Intentional Journalling workshop.
  • After the day long retreat, we will culminate in a group and enjoy a guided meditation.

Angela Pollard

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Angela is a retired nurse and has been a practicing complementary therapist (Angela Pollard Therapies and Training) for over 25 years. As part of her therapies she practices and teaches Chi Kung and Tai Chi. She also offers wellness workshops across North Lancashire and Cumbria incorporating Tai Chi, Chi Kung and sound baths.

Instagram: @angelapollard_wellbeing

Angela will be leading the Chi Kung & Sound Bath:

  • Chi Kung helps to balance the energy systems of the body.  The gentle movements can help to: loosen muscle tension, strengthen the organs, improves cardio pulmonary function, eases stress, brings a sense of calm, can help to calm the mind, can help to improve balance and mobility.
  • Sound healing will be offered in a group setting with everyone lying comfortably on mats, with pillows and blankets as needed. The session will last for about 50 to 60 minutes. Angela will sound different instruments including singing bowls, drum, chimes and rainstick. This can help you to feel relaxed and calm.

What is Chi Kung?

Chi Kung is a traditional Chinese practice that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and focused intention to cultivate and balance the body's vital energy, known as "qi." It is used for health, meditation, and martial arts training, promoting overall well-being and harmony within the body and mind.


What is a Yunomi - a Japanese tea cup

A Yunomi is a traditional Japanese tea cup, typically cylindrical and made from clay, used for everyday tea drinking.

We will hand carve a Yunomi which involves shaping a clay tea cup, then using tools to add texture and design. Once the carving is complete, the cup is dried, fired, and glazed, resulting in a unique, handcrafted piece that reflects your skill and creativity.


What is a Sound Bath?

A sound bath is a meditative experience where participants are immersed in the soothing sounds of instruments like gongs, singing bowls, and chimes to promote relaxation and healing. The vibrations from the sounds aim to restore the body's natural frequencies, reduce stress, and enhance mental clarity.


What is Tapping?

Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), is a therapeutic practice that involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on emotional issues or physical pain. This method aims to release energy blockages, reduce stress, and promote emotional healing.


What is Intentional Journalling?

Intentional journaling is writing with a clear purpose, such as exploring emotions, setting goals, or reflecting on personal growth. This focused approach helps you gain insights, clarify your thoughts, and enhance self-awareness, making it a powerful tool for personal development.


What is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice of focusing the mind to achieve mental clarity and emotional calm. It can involve mindfulness, being fully present in the moment, or using techniques like mantras to reach deep relaxation. Regular meditation reduces stress, enhances concentration, and fosters self-awareness, making it a valuable tool for overall well-being.


Where is this all happening?

Making the Yunomi - a Japanese tea cup out of ceramics will take place in a purpose built ceramic studio, within a walled garden in Dolphinholme. The Sound Bath, Intentional Journalling, Chi Kung, Meditation and Tapping will all take place either in a bell tent (as shown), or in the beautiful gardens.

Wyreside Cottage, Wagon Road, Dolphinholme, Lancashire, LA2 9DH

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Day Ticket

£85 Early Bird (Until 21st Sept)
  • Chi Kung session (RRP £45)
  • Self Compassion Tapping (RRP £35)
  • Intentional Journalling (RRP £35)
  • Sound Bath (RRP £45)
  • Your Yunomi - a Japanese tea cup will be fired, ready for you to cherish (RRP: £55)
  • Meditation (RRP £15)
  • A wholesome Vegetarian lunch (RRP: £15)
  • Total Cost: £245, £85 Ticket


Everything you need to know about our Wellness Day.